Writing online for an interactive crowd is truly an experience never before seen on Earth. It is both amazing to watch, and amazing to participate in.
Since it is all so new there are a lot of people trying to figure out exactly how we should be working with this new medium.
Some suggest new ideas, some suggest old ideas, and some suggest more of the same.
I recently read a blog post by Jacob @ Earlyretirementextreme.com called, Are We Blogging The Wrong Way?
In that article he suggested the idea that maybe the bloggers should actually do more actual “web logs”. In other words, they should record what places on the net they visited.
I used to do a Saturday Rap over on my Insight Writer blog where I listed my top 3 articles of the week every Saturday. I dropped that habit after awhile, but I think it is a great idea to start doing it again here at jeremymday.com
Favorite Article Time…
1. Toss Productivity Out by Leo Babauta – Many people know Leo from zenhabits.net. Many know he was a productivity junkie when it was at the height of it’s popularity. Now Leo says productivity isn’t worth it and I have to agree with him. I never really liked all that productivity stuff anyway.
2. What To Do In College Right Now by Penelope Trunk – While I certainly don’t agree with everything she writes I can tell you one thing about Penelope… She makes me think! Right now she is writing numerous articles on why college is a bad idea for most people. The solution? Use the money you would have used for college to start a business instead. When people couldn’t handle that advice, she decided to give the best advice she could for people in college right now. Worth the read.
3. Craft the Life You Want: Creating a Blueprint for Your Future by Brett McKay. The Art of Manliness was a blog I got away from for awhile and got back to. Actually I unsubscribed from the vast majority of blogs I subscribed to about a year ago as a way to take a digital sabbatical. (I used to read upwards of a 100 articles a week) Now I am slowly adding the ones I truly LOVE reading. And like a fine wine, I think Brett’s writing has gotten better with age. I really enjoyed reading this article and plan on taking action on it this weekend. That’s how you know you are reading something great. You actually decide to take action!
Well that’s it for now. I plan on doing a lot of reading from now until the end of the year, and I promise only to link to some of the best stuff I am finding. So you don’t have to spend the hours I do trying to find the gems. 🙂 Until next time…
Oh, and I’ll leave you with a quote from Mad Men…
“This is America. Pick a job and then become the person that does it.” – Bobbie Barrett